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9 Of The Least Racist Cities for Digital Nomads

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The world is increasingly becoming a global village, with remote work becoming more popular than ever. Digital nomads, people who work remotely while traveling the world, enjoy the privilege of choosing their working environment. However, one issue they often encounter is racism. This article explores the least racist cities for digital nomads.

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How Racism Impacts Digital Nomads

Racism can significantly impact a digital nomad’s experience in a city. It could affect their interactions, work opportunities, and overall quality of life. Therefore, understanding the racial dynamics of a city is crucial for digital nomads.

Methodology: Measuring Levels of Racism in Each City

Assessing the level of racism in a city is not a straightforward task, as it involves subjective experiences and personal perceptions. However, to provide a comprehensive evaluation, we’ve adopted a multi-faceted approach.

Legislation and Policies

One key criterion we consider is the legislation and policies a city or country has enacted to counter racism and discrimination. This may encompass anti-discrimination laws, equal employment opportunities, and policies that foster multiculturalism and diversity. These legal frameworks signal a commitment by the authorities to foster an inclusive, respectful society where all racial and ethnic groups are valued and protected.

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Racial Tolerance

Racial tolerance is assessed by studying local attitudes towards different races. This can be gleaned from surveys and studies, as well as firsthand accounts of locals and foreigners of varying racial backgrounds. How a society interacts with and accepts individuals from different races in everyday life can provide a robust indicator of its level of racial tolerance.


Cities that showcase a rich blend of different races, cultures, and nationalities tend to exhibit less racism. The existence of diverse communities is a testament to a city’s racial acceptance and openness to foreign cultures, making diversity a critical metric in our evaluation.

Hate Crime Rates

Hate crime rates offer a direct measure of the level of racism within a city. A high prevalence of hate crimes points to entrenched racism, while low rates suggest a more accepting and tolerant society. Thus, cities with fewer hate crimes are more likely to rank as less racist.

Public Sentiment and Behaviour

Understanding the general public’s sentiment towards various races can uncover pervasive racism. This involves considering how individuals, businesses, and institutions treat people from different racial backgrounds. Negative attitudes or discriminatory practices often reveal deeply ingrained prejudices.

Integration and Equality

We also consider how effectively different racial groups integrate into society. Instances of segregation or unequal treatment can hint at systemic racism. Conversely, cities where various racial and ethnic groups interact freely and are treated equally demonstrate a higher degree of racial harmony.

Education and Awareness

Cities with heightened levels of education and awareness around racism and the importance of diversity are typically less racist. Educated societies are more likely to appreciate the value of cultural diversity and reject racist attitudes. Schools and public institutions that actively promote understanding and tolerance of different races further underscore a city’s commitment to racial harmony.

In conclusion, our methodology for determining the least racist cities involves a comprehensive evaluation of these seven criteria. This allows us to identify cities that not only promote diversity and inclusion but also actively strive to counter racism and discrimination at every level of society.

Least Racist Cities for Digital Nomads

Berlin, Germany is One of the Least Racist Cities for Digital Nomads

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Legislation and Policies

Berlin has strong anti-discrimination laws that protect individuals from discrimination based on race, ethnicity, religion, gender, age, and other factors. The General Act on Equal Treatment is an example of the legal framework in place in Germany that provides equal rights and opportunities for all.

Racial Tolerance

In terms of racial tolerance, Berlin is known for its multicultural environment and welcoming attitude towards foreigners. This is largely due to its history and role as a global city that has attracted people from all over the world. For instance, The Berlin Pulse surveys show that the majority of Berliners are open to other cultures and appreciate diversity.


Berlin is one of the most diverse cities in Europe. It is home to people from over 190 different nations, as mentioned in this article. This high level of diversity indicates a general acceptance and tolerance of different races, cultures, and nationalities.

Hate Crime Rates

While hate crimes do occur, Berlin has one of the lower rates in Germany. According to BKA crime statistics, the majority of hate crimes in Berlin are politically motivated, and the city has been active in addressing this issue.

Public Sentiment and Behaviour

The public sentiment in Berlin towards different races is generally positive. This is particularly evident in the city’s vibrant arts and cultural scene, which celebrates diversity and challenges racism. Various cultural festivals, like the Karneval der Kulturen, embody this spirit.

Integration and Equality

Berlin promotes integration and equality among its residents. There are numerous programs and initiatives aimed at helping newcomers settle and integrate into the city, as outlined on the Welcome to Berlin website.

Education and Awareness

Berlin has numerous educational initiatives aimed at promoting tolerance and understanding of different cultures. Institutions like the House of the Wannsee Conference offer educational programs that focus on the history of racism and the importance of diversity.

Personal Anecdote:

As a digital nomad who lived in Berlin for a year, I experienced firsthand the city’s openness and acceptance. Whether I was working in a co-working space or attending one of the city’s numerous cultural events, I felt welcomed and valued. My diverse group of friends, hailing from different parts of the world, also spoke highly of their experiences in Berlin.

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Digital Nomad Community in Berlin

Berlin has developed a robust digital nomad community over the years. The city’s commitment to technological innovation, along with its diverse and creative atmosphere, has drawn digital nomads from across the globe.

Co-Working Spaces

One significant aspect of Berlin’s appeal to digital nomads is its wide array of co-working spaces. These range from large, internationally recognized brands like WeWork and Factory Berlin, to more local, niche spaces such as betahaus and St. Oberholz. These spaces provide a conducive environment for remote work and offer networking opportunities.

Networking and Meetups

There are numerous events and meetups where digital nomads can connect, share experiences, and network. Platforms such as list many digital nomad gatherings in Berlin. Also, the Nomad List’s Berlin guide provides useful resources and community forums for digital nomads in the city.

Support Services

Services for digital nomads in Berlin go beyond just workspaces. There are numerous organizations that assist with the logistical aspects of a nomadic lifestyle, such as the English-speaking service Red Tape Translation, which helps with bureaucratic tasks like paperwork and appointments.

Vibrant Tech Scene

Berlin’s thriving tech scene, home to numerous startups and tech companies, also contributes to its digital nomad-friendly environment. Events like Tech Open Air provide an opportunity to engage with the tech community, learn about the latest trends, and connect with potential clients or employers.

In conclusion, Berlin offers a vibrant, supportive community for digital nomads. Its co-working spaces, networking events, and digital nomad-friendly services make it an excellent choice for remote workers.

Taipei, Taiwan is One of the Least Racist Cities for Digital Nomads

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Legislation and Policies

Taiwan has a robust set of laws in place to combat discrimination and promote equality. The Constitution of the Republic of China (Taiwan) ensures equal rights for all its citizens, regardless of race, class, language, or religion. Taiwan also passed the Act Governing Relations between Peoples of the Taiwan Area and the Mainland Area, which guarantees the same rights to mainland Chinese people as to Taiwanese citizens. This legislation demonstrates Taiwan’s commitment to equality.

Racial Tolerance

Taiwanese society is known for its tolerance and acceptance of other cultures and races. As a digital nomad in Taipei, I’ve noticed that locals are generally friendly and open-minded towards foreigners. This acceptance can be attributed to the city’s history as a cultural melting pot and its growing expat community.


Taipei is a diverse city, hosting a mixture of different races, cultures, and nationalities. The city’s numerous international festivals, such as the Taipei International Dragon Boat Festival, are testament to its cultural diversity.

Hate Crime Rates

Hate crimes are rare in Taipei. According to the National Police Agency, the number of racially motivated crimes is relatively low. This contributes to the city’s reputation as one of the least racist cities for digital nomads.

Public Sentiment and Behavior

The public sentiment in Taipei towards different races is generally positive. From my personal experience, the Taiwanese people are warm, welcoming, and respectful. They are interested in learning about other cultures and are open to engaging with people of different races.

Integration and Equality

Integration is a prominent aspect of Taipei’s society. The city promotes a sense of community among its citizens, irrespective of their racial backgrounds. For instance, the city organizes community integration activities and provides resources to help new residents, including digital nomads, adapt to their new environment.

Education and Awareness

Education about cultural diversity and racial tolerance is integrated into the Taiwanese school curriculum. The Ministry of Education has implemented multicultural education policies to raise awareness about the importance of diversity and tolerance from an early age. This educational focus has helped to foster a culture of acceptance in Taipei.

In conclusion, Taipei demonstrates strong positive characteristics in all these criteria, making it one of the least racist cities for digital nomads. However, no city is perfect, and challenges can still arise. Yet, the city’s commitment to promoting diversity and racial tolerance, coupled with supportive government policies and a warm society, make it a favorable destination for digital nomads.

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The Digital Nomad Community in Taipei, Taiwan

Taipei’s nightlife is bustling and diverse, making it an ideal choice for digital nomads who enjoy after-hours entertainment. The city has a multitude of bars, clubs, and lounges spread across neighborhoods like Xinyi and Zhongshan. The night markets such as Shilin and Raohe are also a must-visit, offering a variety of delicious street food and shopping.

Co-Working Spaces

Taipei is abundant in co-working spaces, with options to suit every preference. Spaces like WeWork, CLBC, and YourSpace offer comfortable work environments, high-speed internet, and networking opportunities.

Internet Speeds

Taiwan boasts one of the fastest internet speeds globally, with Taipei being no exception. As per Speedtest Global Index (as of my knowledge cutoff in September 2021), the average broadband speed is around 103.78 Mbps. This high-speed, reliable internet service is crucial for digital nomads.

Tech Scene

Taipei has a vibrant tech scene, being a hub for several international tech companies and startups. The city is also host to various tech events, such as the annual Computex Taipei, one of the leading global ICT, IoT, and startup tradeshows.

Outdoor Activities

For digital nomads who enjoy outdoor activities, Taipei offers a variety of options. You can hike up Elephant Mountain for a stunning view of the city skyline, take a bike ride along the Tamsui River, or visit the beautiful Yangmingshan National Park. The city’s location also provides easy access to stunning landscapes outside the city, like Taroko Gorge.

Auckland, New Zealand

Legislation and Policies

New Zealand is recognized for its strong anti-discrimination laws. The country’s Human Rights Act 1993 protects individuals from discrimination based on race, ethnicity, nationality, and more. The New Zealand Bill of Rights Act 1990 also ensures the fundamental rights and freedoms of all individuals. These laws are well implemented and enforced, contributing to Auckland’s reputation as an inclusive city.

Racial Tolerance

New Zealanders are known for their friendly and welcoming nature. Auckland, with its multicultural environment, has a high level of racial tolerance. As a digital nomad who has spent considerable time in Auckland, I have personally experienced the city’s openness and acceptance.


Auckland is one of the most culturally diverse cities in the world. According to Statistics New Zealand, it is home to over 200 ethnic groups. This diversity is celebrated and embraced, contributing to the city’s vibrant culture.

Hate Crime Rates

Hate crimes in Auckland are relatively low. The New Zealand Police actively work to prevent hate crimes and promote a safe and inclusive environment for everyone.

Public Sentiment and Behaviour

The public sentiment in Auckland towards different races is generally positive. Locals are known to be friendly and respectful towards people of different racial and ethnic backgrounds. Community events and festivals frequently celebrate the city’s multiculturalism, fostering a sense of unity and acceptance.

Integration and Equality

Integration is a significant part of Auckland’s society. The city’s Auckland Plan 2050 places a strong emphasis on creating inclusive communities. Various city initiatives are designed to help new residents, including digital nomads, adjust to their new environment.

Education and Awareness

New Zealand’s education system places a strong emphasis on cultural diversity and inclusivity. Schools are required to respect and affirm cultural diversity and to strive for equality. This fosters an environment of tolerance from a young age.

In conclusion, Auckland demonstrates a high level of racial tolerance, diversity, and inclusivity, making it one of the least racist cities for digital nomads. While no city is completely devoid of racial issues, Auckland’s commitment to equality, coupled with supportive government policies and a welcoming society, makes it an excellent destination for digital nomads.

The Digital Nomad Community in Auckland, New Zealand

Auckland boasts a dynamic nightlife scene with a variety of options to suit different preferences. From vibrant clubs and bars in areas like Britomart and Viaduct Harbour, to relaxed pubs in Ponsonby, there’s something for everyone. Live music can be found in venues such as The Tuning Fork and Whammy Bar.

Co-Working Spaces

Auckland provides several co-working spaces that cater to digital nomads. These spaces often offer high-speed internet, comfortable work environments, and networking opportunities. Popular co-working spaces include GridAKL, Generator, and The Workshop Auckland.

Internet Speeds

New Zealand has good internet infrastructure, and Auckland is no exception. Average internet speeds are quite high, ensuring a smooth digital working experience. Free Wi-Fi can often be found in public spaces, cafes, and libraries.

Tech Scene

Auckland’s tech scene is thriving. The city is home to numerous tech companies and startups. Regular tech events, like Auckland.AI meetups, provide excellent opportunities for networking and staying up-to-date with the latest tech developments.

Outdoor Activities

Auckland is a paradise for outdoor enthusiasts. The city is surrounded by stunning natural landscapes, offering activities like hiking, sailing, and surfing. The Waitakere Ranges and Piha Beach are popular spots for nature-lovers. Moreover, the city itself is dotted with parks and green spaces, providing opportunities for leisurely walks or picnics.

In conclusion, Auckland offers a vibrant and supportive environment for digital nomads, making it an attractive city for remote work. Its mix of bustling city life and access to outdoor activities provides a balanced lifestyle for those looking to blend work and play.

Toronto, Canada

Legislation and Policies

Canada is globally recognized for its progressive policies that promote equality and deter discrimination. The Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms ensures fundamental rights and freedoms for all individuals, regardless of their race or ethnicity. In addition, the Ontario Human Rights Code provides further protection against discrimination in the province, where Toronto is located.

Racial Tolerance

Toronto is considered one of the most multicultural cities in the world. Its citizens are generally tolerant and open-minded, with a deep respect for cultural diversity. As a digital nomad, I’ve always felt welcomed by the locals and never experienced any form of racial discrimination.


Toronto’s diversity is one of its defining features. The city is home to people from over 200 ethnic origins, as per the 2016 Census. This diversity is celebrated and respected, making Toronto a vibrant and inclusive city.

Hate Crime Rates

Although hate crimes do occur in Toronto, the city’s rates are comparatively low, especially when considered relative to its large and diverse population. The Toronto Police Service provides annual statistical reports that include data on hate crimes.

Public Sentiment and Behaviour

The public sentiment in Toronto towards racial diversity is generally positive. Toronto residents pride themselves on their multiculturalism and openness to different cultures. This attitude can be seen in the city’s numerous cultural festivals, diverse food scene, and the general sense of community amongst its residents.

Integration and Equality

Toronto promotes integration and equality through various initiatives. The Toronto Newcomer Strategy is a collaborative approach to welcome and support newcomers. The city also has numerous services that help newcomers, including digital nomads, to settle and integrate into the city.

Education and Awareness

Toronto schools follow an inclusive curriculum that emphasizes respect for diversity and multiculturalism. The Toronto District School Board has policies to ensure educational equity and to provide an inclusive learning environment.

In conclusion, Toronto checks off all these criteria positively, making it an attractive and welcoming city for digital nomads. Its strong commitment to promoting diversity and combating racism, combined with a generally tolerant society and supportive policies, make it an ideal destination for digital nomads from diverse racial backgrounds.

The Digital Nomad Community in Toronto, Canada

Toronto’s nightlife scene is dynamic and diverse. From lively nightclubs in the Entertainment District to laid-back pubs in areas like Distillery District, the city caters to all preferences. The city’s multicultural influence is evident in its wide variety of food and drink establishments. Venues such as Rebel and The Cameron House offer live music spanning a range of genres.

Co-Working Spaces

Toronto is home to a myriad of co-working spaces suited to digital nomads. Popular spaces include WeWork, Spaces, and Workplace One, offering high-speed internet, comfortable working environments, and plenty of networking opportunities.

Internet Speeds

Canada’s internet speeds are generally reliable, and Toronto is no exception, making it ideal for digital nomads. The city offers an average fixed broadband speed of 119.07 Mbps, according to the Speedtest Global Index (as of my knowledge cutoff in September 2021).

Tech Scene

Toronto’s tech scene is thriving. It’s the largest tech sector in Canada and the third-largest in North America. The city hosts numerous tech events and meetups, such as TechTO meetups, and is home to many tech startups and major tech companies, offering abundant networking opportunities.

Outdoor Activities

Toronto provides a variety of outdoor activities. The city has beautiful parks like High Park, the Toronto Islands for biking or kayaking, and the famous Lake Ontario for a variety of watersports. Digital nomads can enjoy walking tours of the city, exploring the historic Distillery District, and the multicultural Kensington Market. During winter, outdoor ice skating is popular.

In summary, Toronto’s robust digital infrastructure, vibrant nightlife, diverse co-working spaces, bustling tech scene, and array of outdoor activities make it a very attractive city for digital nomads.

Lisbon, Portugal

Legislation and Policies

Portugal has a comprehensive legal framework in place to combat racism and discrimination. The Portuguese Constitution guarantees equality to all its citizens regardless of race, gender, ethnicity, language, or religion. Portugal also has a law specifically against racism and xenophobia (Law no. 134/99), which makes acts of racial discrimination punishable by law.

Racial Tolerance

Portuguese society is generally accepting and tolerant of other races and cultures. There’s an old Portuguese saying, “Não há estrangeiros em Lisboa” which means “There are no foreigners in Lisbon”. This spirit of acceptance and integration is a testament to the city’s openness.


Lisbon is home to people from all over the world, including a significant number of migrants from former Portuguese colonies, making it a multicultural city. The city celebrates its diversity in numerous events like the Festival Todos, an annual festival dedicated to celebrating the city’s multiculturalism.

Hate Crime Rates

Portugal has one of the lowest rates of racially motivated hate crimes in Europe, according to the European Union Agency for Fundamental Rights. While isolated incidents do occur, they are not reflective of the city’s general attitude towards race and ethnicity.

Public Sentiment and Behavior

Lisbon’s residents are generally welcoming towards foreigners. In my personal experience, locals are friendly, patient, and willing to engage with people from different cultures. They take pride in their city and are eager to share it with visitors.

Integration and Equality

Lisbon promotes equality and integration. The city offers several integration programs to assist newcomers in adjusting to life in Portugal, with specific initiatives aimed at promoting the integration of immigrants.

Education and Awareness

Portugal emphasizes the importance of multicultural education. Schools follow a curriculum that promotes cultural understanding and tolerance from a young age, as outlined by the Ministry of Education. In addition, several initiatives, such as Choices Programme, aim to promote social inclusion and equal opportunities for children and young people from disadvantaged backgrounds.

Life as a Digital Nomad in Lisbon, Portugal

Lisbon offers an exciting nightlife scene that digital nomads often enjoy. The city is full of vibrant bars, clubs, and late-night eateries, particularly in neighborhoods like Bairro Alto, Cais do Sodré, and Alfama. For those who enjoy live music, Musicbox and Hot Clube de Portugal are popular venues. Fado music, a traditional Portuguese genre, can also be heard in many taverns throughout the city.

Co-Working Spaces

Lisbon is well-equipped with co-working spaces that cater to digital nomads. These spaces often come with high-speed internet, comfortable working areas, and opportunities for networking. Some popular co-working spaces in Lisbon include Second Home Lisboa, LACS, and Impact Hub Lisbon.

Internet Speeds

Internet speeds in Lisbon are generally fast and reliable, which is crucial for digital nomads. The average broadband speed is around 66.8 Mbps, according to Speedtest Global Index as of my knowledge cutoff in September 2021. Public places like cafes, libraries, and co-working spaces often provide free Wi-Fi.

Tech Scene

Lisbon has a burgeoning tech scene and is home to a number of tech startups. The city hosts the annual Web Summit, one of the largest tech conferences in the world, which attracts a large crowd of tech enthusiasts, entrepreneurs, and digital nomads. There’s also a strong community of tech professionals, making it a great place for networking and collaboration.

Outdoor Activities

Lisbon offers plenty of opportunities for outdoor activities, from exploring historical sites to enjoying nature. Digital nomads can visit sites like Belém Tower and Jerónimos Monastery, take a stroll along the Tagus River, or relax in the city’s many beautiful parks and gardens. The city’s location also provides easy access to beautiful beaches for surfing or sunbathing, such as Cascais and Costa da Caparica.

Stockholm, Sweden

Legislation and Policies

Sweden has long been committed to equality, with a robust set of laws against discrimination. The Swedish Discrimination Act prevents and prohibits discrimination based on nationality, ethnicity, race, and religion, reinforcing Sweden’s commitment to inclusivity.

Racial Tolerance

Stockholm, the capital, is a reflection of this tolerant approach. The city has a reputation for its welcoming attitude towards different races and cultures. As someone who has visited Stockholm, I was struck by the level of acceptance and openness in the city.


Stockholm is a multicultural city, housing people from different ethnic backgrounds. The city celebrates its diversity through various multicultural festivals, such as the Stockholm Culture Festival that showcases art, music, and culture from around the world.

Hate Crime Rates

While hate crimes do occur, they are not the norm in Stockholm. According to the Swedish National Council for Crime Prevention, the rate of hate crimes has been decreasing over the years, reflecting the city’s efforts towards combating racism.

Public Sentiment and Behavior

The public sentiment in Stockholm towards different races is generally positive. The locals are known for their politeness and respectful behavior towards people of different racial backgrounds.

Integration and Equality

Integration and equality are integral parts of Swedish society. The government has several initiatives in place to promote integration, such as the Establishment Reform, designed to help newly arrived immigrants settle in the country, highlighting its commitment to inclusivity.

Education and Awareness

Sweden places a significant emphasis on education about racial tolerance and diversity. The Swedish Education Act stipulates that all educational activities should promote understanding and respect for all people, irrespective of their racial or ethnic origin.

From this evaluation, it’s evident that Stockholm aligns positively with the criteria, making it a favorable choice for digital nomads seeking a less racist environment. Although challenges may exist, the city’s commitment to promoting diversity, racial tolerance, and equality, coupled with supportive legislation, makes it a welcoming place for digital nomads.

Digital Nomad Community in Stockholm, Sweden

Stockholm offers an eclectic nightlife that caters to a variety of preferences. From cozy pubs and bars in Södermalm to upscale clubs in Stureplan, there’s something for everyone. Fasching Jazz Club is a popular venue for live music, and the summer months see many open-air bars and restaurants springing to life.

Co-Working Spaces

The city is home to numerous co-working spaces designed to suit the needs of digital nomads. Spaces like Impact Hub Stockholm, SUP46, and Convendum offer comfortable workspaces, high-speed internet, and ample networking opportunities.

Internet Speeds

Sweden is known for its excellent internet connectivity. Stockholm, in particular, boasts high-speed internet, with average broadband speeds exceeding 99.66 Mbps according to Speedtest Global Index (as of my knowledge cutoff in September 2021). This reliable internet infrastructure makes it a favorable city for digital nomads.

Tech Scene

Stockholm has a thriving tech scene. It’s home to numerous tech startups, including world-renowned companies like Spotify and Klarna. The city also hosts various tech events and meetups, such as STHLM TECH Meetup, providing ample networking opportunities for digital nomads in the tech industry.

Outdoor Activities

For those who love outdoor activities, Stockholm won’t disappoint. The city is surrounded by beautiful archipelagos that are perfect for sailing, kayaking, or simply enjoying the natural beauty. There are also numerous parks and green spaces within the city, like Djurgården, a beautiful island that’s home to various museums, gardens, and even an amusement park. During the winter, activities like ice-skating and skiing are popular.

Amsterdam, The Netherlands

Legislation and Policies

The Netherlands has robust anti-discrimination laws in place, rooted in Article 1 of the Dutch Constitution, which explicitly prohibits discrimination on any grounds, including race. The Netherlands Institute for Human Rights also provides a platform for individuals to report cases of discrimination.

Racial Tolerance

Amsterdam, known as a city of tolerance and diversity, prides itself on its openness toward different cultures. As a digital nomad living in Amsterdam, I’ve found this to be true – locals are generally welcoming and receptive to foreigners.


Amsterdam is a cosmopolitan city with over 180 different nationalities represented. This diversity is celebrated in various cultural festivals, such as the Keti Koti Festival, commemorating emancipation from slavery and celebrating freedom, equality, and solidarity.

Hate Crime Rates

Hate crimes are relatively low in Amsterdam. According to the Dutch Police, instances of racially motivated crimes are low, particularly compared to other European cities.

Public Sentiment and Behavior

The general public sentiment in Amsterdam towards different races is positive. My experiences as a digital nomad in the city have been largely positive – locals are respectful, curious about other cultures, and eager to engage with people from different racial backgrounds.

Integration and Equality

Amsterdam is a city where integration and equality are highly valued. There are numerous initiatives, like the Amsterdam City Rights movement, working to ensure equal rights and opportunities for all, irrespective of racial backgrounds.

Education and Awareness

The Dutch education system emphasizes tolerance and understanding of different cultures. Diversity and inclusivity are key themes in the curriculum, fostering a culture of acceptance from a young age.

Amsterdam stands out as one of the least racist cities for digital nomads. It’s a city where diversity is celebrated, laws protect against discrimination, and inclusivity is part of the societal fabric.

The Digital Nomad Community in Amsterdam

Amsterdam’s nightlife is vibrant and diverse, with a range of pubs, clubs, and bars that cater to various tastes. The city’s music scene is particularly notable, with a plethora of live music venues offering everything from electronic music to jazz. Areas such as Leidseplein and Rembrandtplein are popular nightlife hubs.

Co-Working Spaces

Amsterdam has a variety of co-working spaces that cater to digital nomads. Spaces such as WeWork, Spaces, and B.Amsterdam provide excellent work environments with high-speed internet, dedicated workstations, meeting rooms, and opportunities for networking.

Internet Speeds

The Netherlands is known for its robust internet infrastructure, and Amsterdam is no exception. With average broadband speeds of 102.52 Mbps, as per Speedtest Global Index (as of my last knowledge update in September 2021), the city provides the high-speed, reliable internet that digital nomads require.

Tech Scene

Amsterdam has a strong tech scene with many tech startups and scale-ups. It hosts several tech events and meetups like The Next Web Conference and AmsterdamJS, providing ample opportunities for networking and learning. Tech giants such as Uber, Netflix, and also have offices in Amsterdam, contributing to the city’s dynamic tech environment.

Outdoor Activities

Amsterdam offers plenty of outdoor activities. Its famous canal network is perfect for boat tours or kayaking. The city is also known for its love of cycling and has numerous bike paths for exploration. Parks like Vondelpark and Amsterdamse Bos provide green spaces for relaxation, picnics, or jogging. The city’s proximity to the coast also allows for beach trips during warmer months.

Melbourne, Australia

Legislation and Policies

Australia has strong anti-discrimination laws in place. The Racial Discrimination Act 1975 outlaws discrimination based on race, color, descent, or national or ethnic origin. Melbourne, being a part of Australia, adheres to these laws, creating a safe environment for people of all races.

Racial Tolerance

Melbourne is known for its tolerance and acceptance of different cultures and races. The city is often praised for its welcoming attitude towards foreigners, making it a comfortable place for digital nomads. My interactions with locals during my stay in Melbourne revealed a high level of acceptance and openness towards individuals from different cultural backgrounds.


Melbourne is one of the most culturally diverse cities in the world. According to the Victorian Government’s report, almost half of Melbourne’s population was born overseas, representing over 200 countries. This diversity is one of the city’s key strengths.

Hate Crime Rates

Australia maintains a relatively low rate of hate crimes. Melbourne, in particular, has programs in place to combat hate crimes and promote community harmony, such as the Victoria Police’s Priority Communities Division.

Public Sentiment and Behavior

In Melbourne, the public sentiment towards different races is generally positive. The city’s residents are known for their friendliness and eagerness to embrace diverse cultures. My personal experience as a digital nomad in Melbourne involved positive interactions and experiences of cultural exchange.

Integration and Equality

Melbourne promotes integration and equality among its diverse population. The city is divided into multicultural neighborhoods, and it actively encourages cultural exchanges. The Victorian Multicultural Commission facilitates community events that promote multiculturalism and inclusivity.

Education and Awareness

Australia’s education system includes a multicultural education approach. Schools in Melbourne are encouraged to teach students about different cultures and the importance of respecting diversity. This early exposure to diversity awareness contributes to the overall tolerance in the city.

Based on these criteria, Melbourne displays an accepting and welcoming environment for individuals of all races, including digital nomads. While challenges and instances of racism can still occur, the city’s overall commitment to diversity, inclusivity, and anti-racist policies make it a prime destination for digital nomads from around the world.

Digital Nomad Community in Melbourne, Australia
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Melbourne is famous for its vibrant nightlife, with an array of pubs, clubs, and live music venues. Neighborhoods like Fitzroy, St Kilda, and the Central Business District are popular for their late-night offerings. Venues such as The Toff in Town and Cherry Bar are renowned for live music.

Co-Working Spaces

Melbourne boasts numerous co-working spaces tailored to digital nomads. Places like The Commons, Hub Australia, and Inspire9 provide excellent workspaces, fast internet, and plenty of opportunities to network with like-minded individuals.

Internet Speeds

Australia has made significant improvements to its internet infrastructure in recent years, and Melbourne is no exception. The city offers reliable internet, with the average speed hovering around 55.5 Mbps as per the Speedtest Global Index (as of my knowledge cutoff in September 2021).

Tech Scene

Melbourne has a vibrant tech scene with numerous tech startups and tech events taking place throughout the year. Melbourne’s Silicon Beach Meetup is one such event that brings together tech enthusiasts and digital nomads. The city is also home to large tech companies like Seek and REA Group.

Outdoor Activities

Melbourne offers a plethora of outdoor activities to balance work and leisure. The city is known for its beautiful parks like the Royal Botanic Gardens, and beaches such as St Kilda Beach. Outdoor enthusiasts can also enjoy the nearby Dandenong Ranges and Yarra Valley for hiking and wine tasting.

Buenos Aires, Argentina

Legislation and Policies

Argentina has progressive laws against racism and discrimination. The Argentine Constitution ensures equality before the law, irrespective of nationality, creed, or race. In addition, the country passed Law No. 23,592, specifically addressing discriminatory acts.

Racial Tolerance

Argentines are generally known for their friendliness and openness. I’ve witnessed this firsthand during my time in Buenos Aires, where people often greeted me with a warm “hola” and were interested in my background and culture.


Buenos Aires is a melting pot of cultures, due to the waves of immigrants it has welcomed over the years. This rich heritage contributes to the city’s vibrant culture and acceptance of diverse backgrounds.

Hate Crime Rates

Hate crimes in Buenos Aires are relatively low. The Argentine National Institute Against Discrimination, Xenophobia, and Racism (INADI) provides a platform for citizens to report discriminatory acts and has worked tirelessly to reduce such incidents.

Public Sentiment and Behavior

In Buenos Aires, there’s a strong sentiment of acceptance towards individuals of different races and backgrounds. During my time in the city, I found that locals were generally welcoming and receptive to foreigners.

Integration and Equality

Buenos Aires has shown commitment to integration and equality, with diverse communities coexisting peacefully. Many neighborhoods are culturally mixed, showcasing the city’s integration efforts.

Education and Awareness

Education in Buenos Aires emphasizes cultural diversity and respect for all races. The Ministry of Education has incorporated lessons on racial tolerance and diversity into the curriculum to foster a more inclusive society.

By these measures, Buenos Aires fares well as one of the least racist cities for digital nomads. While there might be occasional challenges, the overall atmosphere of acceptance and diversity, backed by strong legislative measures against racism, makes Buenos Aires an attractive city for digital nomads.

The Digital Nomad Community in Buenos Aires

Buenos Aires is renowned for its lively nightlife, with a reputation for some of the best parties in the world. The city is filled with bars, clubs, and live music venues to suit all tastes, with Palermo, San Telmo, and Recoleta being popular districts. Milongas, traditional dance halls for Tango, are a must-visit.

Co-Working Spaces

Buenos Aires has a robust collection of co-working spaces perfect for digital nomads. Well-known ones include AreaTres, La Maquinita Co, and Urban Station. These spaces provide high-speed internet, comfortable work environments, and the opportunity to network with other professionals.

Internet Speeds

Internet speeds in Buenos Aires are generally reliable, with the average broadband speed being around 20.38 Mbps, according to the Speedtest Global Index (as of my knowledge cutoff in September 2021). Free Wi-Fi can be found in many public spaces, cafes, and co-working spaces across the city.

Tech Scene

The tech scene in Buenos Aires is burgeoning, with many tech startups calling the city their home. The city hosts numerous tech events and meetups, like Buenos Aires Tech Talks, which are excellent opportunities for networking and knowledge sharing.

Outdoor Activities

Buenos Aires offers a variety of outdoor activities. The city’s many beautiful parks, such as the Reserva Ecológica and Bosques de Palermo, provide an excellent opportunity for walking, cycling, or picnicking. You can also enjoy the city’s rich cultural heritage by visiting its many monuments, museums, and historic districts. For the more adventurous, the city’s proximity to the countryside and the River Plate offers opportunities for horseback riding and boat trips.

Wrapping It Up

Choosing a city to work and live as a digital nomad involves many factors, and the level of racism can significantly impact the overall experience. The cities listed above are recognized for their welcoming environments and low levels of racism, making them top choices for digital nomads. Remember, it’s crucial to research and understand the racial dynamics of a city before settling down.


What makes a city attractive to digital nomads?

A city becomes attractive to digital nomads for several reasons. High-speed, reliable internet and suitable workspaces like co-working spaces or cafes are crucial. A reasonable cost of living, a safe environment, good quality of life, including entertainment, cuisine, outdoor activities, and cultural attractions are also important. The city should also have a welcoming community, friendly towards expatriates and foreigners. Lastly, ease of obtaining visas and favorable governmental regulations for remote workers play a significant role.

How can digital nomads handle racism when they encounter it?

Encountering racism can be challenging. It’s important to stay calm and collected during such instances. Knowing your rights within the country is key, as well as having access to local legal assistance. Joining local expat and digital nomad communities can provide support and advice on handling such situations. If the racism is severe, it may be necessary to report it to local authorities or an anti-discrimination body, if one exists.

Are there specific platforms where digital nomads can share their experiences regarding racism in different cities?

Yes, there are several online platforms where digital nomads can share such experiences. Websites like Nomad List,, and InterNations allow users to share their experiences and rate cities based on different factors, including racial tolerance. There are also various digital nomad communities on social media platforms and forums where experiences can be shared.

What other factors should digital nomads consider when choosing a city?

Apart from racial tolerance and a favorable work environment, digital nomads should consider factors such as visa requirements and regulations for remote work, health and safety in the city, accessibility to healthcare facilities, political stability, cultural fit, language barriers, and accessibility to transportation.

How can cities become more inclusive and welcoming for digital nomads?

Cities can become more inclusive by implementing policies that welcome digital nomads, like simplified visa procedures and regulations that facilitate remote work. Offering tax incentives for remote workers can also be beneficial. Creating social events and networks to integrate digital nomads with local communities can foster a welcoming atmosphere. City infrastructure could also be developed to cater to the needs of digital nomads, like co-working spaces and digital hubs.

Access the Ultimate List of WhatsApp Groups for Digital Nomads in Brazil

Get a sneak peak of what Nomad Grab has to offer by downloading the most comprehensive list of WhatsApp groups for Rio de Janeiro (specifically for Digital Nomads).

If you’re ready to travel and experience new adventures, make sure to hop into Qnomads’s app.  Inside our app, you will also find a library of active WhatsApp groups from around the world – like Fitness, Hiking, and Sports groups.

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