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Roach Infestation as a Digital Nomad: 5 Survival Tips

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As a digital nomad, traveling to new places can be both exciting and nerve-wracking. You’re never quite sure what to expect when you arrive at your destination, and one of the worst surprises is finding roaches in your new lodging. Not only can these pests be unsightly and unnerving, but they can also carry diseases and be a health hazard. In this article, we’ll discuss what to do if you find roaches in your new lodging and how to get rid of them for good.

Don’t Panic, But Act Quickly

Seeing a roach scurrying across the floor can be a shocking experience, but it’s important not to panic. Roaches are a common problem in many areas, and they can be effectively dealt with if you act quickly. The first step is to identify where the roaches are coming from and the extent of the infestation.

Some specific actions that can be taken include:


      • Identifying the source of the problem: Try to figure out where the roaches are coming from and what might be attracting them. This could be anything from food crumbs to leaks or cracks in the walls. By identifying the source of the problem, you can take steps to eliminate it and prevent more roaches from coming in.

      • Cleaning and decluttering: Thoroughly clean and declutter your living space to remove any potential food sources or hiding places for the roaches. This can include wiping down surfaces, vacuuming, and throwing out any old or expired food items.

      • Sealing up cracks and holes: Use caulk or another sealing material to fill in any cracks or holes in the walls, floors, or ceilings. This can help prevent roaches from entering your living space in the first place.

      • Using insecticides: Depending on the severity of the infestation, you may need to use insecticides to get rid of the roaches. This could involve using sprays, baits, or traps, and it’s important to follow the instructions carefully to avoid any potential health risks.

    Overall, the key message of this section is to take swift, targeted action to address the problem, but to do so in a calm and measured way. With the right approach, it’s possible to get rid of roaches in your living space and get back to enjoying your digital nomad lifestyle.

    Inspect Your Lodging

    Magnetic Roach Bait™ - Boric Acid Bait Gun | Nisus Corp

    Before you start to panic, take a close look at your lodging. Check for any signs of roaches, such as droppings, eggs, or shed skin. Look for any cracks or crevices where the roaches could be hiding. You can also use sticky traps to catch any roaches that may be hiding.

    Here are some additional details:


        • Start with a visual inspection: Walk around your new lodging and look for any signs of roaches. Look for dark specks or smears on surfaces, which could be feces or body parts. Check for any visible roaches, which may be hiding in cracks and crevices or under appliances.

        • Check common areas: Roaches are attracted to areas with food and moisture, so be sure to inspect common areas like the kitchen, bathroom, and laundry room. Look for any crumbs, spills, or standing water that could attract roaches.

        • Look for egg casings: Roaches lay eggs in protective casings, which can be difficult to spot. Look for small, dark brown or black capsules that are about the size of a grain of rice. These egg casings can be found in cracks and crevices or behind appliances.

        • Use a flashlight: Roaches are nocturnal, so they may be hiding in dark areas during the day. Use a flashlight to inspect dark corners and under appliances.

        • Check for odor: Roaches emit a musty odor that is often described as a “roachy” smell. If you detect a strong, unpleasant odor in your new lodging, it could be a sign of a roach infestation.

      By thoroughly inspecting your new lodging for signs of roaches, you can catch any infestations early and take steps to get rid of the roaches before they become a bigger problem.

      Inform the Landlord or Owner

      Landlord and tenant responsibilities -

      If you find roaches in your lodging, it’s important to inform the landlord or owner as soon as possible. They may be able to provide you with a solution or offer you a different room. In some cases, the infestation may be severe enough that you’ll need to find new lodging altogether.

      Here are some tips for informing your landlord about the roach infestation:


          1. Contact the landlord as soon as possible: The sooner you inform your landlord about the roach infestation, the sooner they can take action to address the problem.

          1. Be specific: When you inform your landlord, be specific about the extent of the infestation and where you have seen the roaches. This will help them determine the best course of action.

          1. Request action: Be clear about your expectations and request that your landlord takes action to address the infestation. This could include hiring a professional pest control service or taking other steps to eliminate the roaches.

          1. Follow up: After you inform your landlord, follow up to ensure that they are taking action to address the infestation. If they are not, you may need to take additional steps to protect your health and safety.

        Remember, as a tenant, you have the right to a habitable living space, which includes being free from pests. If your landlord does not take action to address the roach infestation, you may have legal recourse to protect your rights as a tenant.

        Use Roach Baits and Traps

        Roach baits and traps are an effective way to get rid of roaches. They work by attracting the roaches with a food source that has been laced with poison. The roaches will eat the bait and carry the poison back to their nest, which will kill the entire colony. Place the baits and traps in areas where you have seen roaches or in areas where they are likely to hide.

        Here are some tips for informing your landlord about the roach infestation:


            1. Contact the landlord as soon as possible: The sooner you inform your landlord about the roach infestation, the sooner they can take action to address the problem.

            1. Be specific: When you inform your landlord, be specific about the extent of the infestation and where you have seen the roaches. This will help them determine the best course of action.

            1. Request action: Be clear about your expectations and request that your landlord takes action to address the infestation. This could include hiring a professional pest control service or taking other steps to eliminate the roaches.

            1. Follow up: After you inform your landlord, follow up to ensure that they are taking action to address the infestation. If they are not, you may need to take additional steps to protect your health and safety.

          Remember, as a tenant, you have the right to a habitable living space, which includes being free from pests. If your landlord does not take action to address the roach infestation, you may have legal recourse to protect your rights as a tenant.

          Use a Professional Exterminator

          Difference between Pest Control and Exterminators

          If the infestation is severe or if the roaches are resistant to DIY treatments, it may be necessary to call in a professional exterminator. They have the expertise and tools to effectively eliminate the roaches and prevent them from returning.

          When you hire a professional exterminator, they will start by conducting a thorough inspection of your lodging to identify the severity and extent of the infestation. Based on their findings, they will create a customized treatment plan that targets the roaches and their hiding places.

          Professional exterminators use a variety of methods to treat roach infestations, including baits, sprays, and dust. They may also use insect growth regulators (IGRs) to prevent the roaches from reproducing and laying eggs. These treatments are typically more potent and effective than those available over the counter.

          In addition to treating the infestation, professional exterminators can also offer advice on how to prevent future infestations. They may suggest sealing up cracks and crevices, eliminating sources of moisture, and properly storing food to make your lodging less attractive to roaches.

          While hiring a professional exterminator may cost more than DIY methods, it can save you time and money in the long run by effectively eliminating the roach problem and preventing future infestations. Plus, the peace of mind that comes with knowing your lodging is free of roaches is invaluable.


          Q: What are roaches attracted to?

          A: Roaches are attracted to food, moisture, and shelter. They can be found in kitchens, bathrooms, and other areas where there is food and water.

          Q: Are roaches dangerous?

          A: Yes, roaches can be dangerous. They can carry diseases and be a health hazard, especially for people with allergies or asthma.

          Q: How long does it take to get rid of roaches?

          A: The time it takes to get rid of roaches depends on the severity of the infestation and the treatment method used. It can take anywhere from a few days to a few weeks to completely eliminate the roaches.

          Q: How can I prevent roaches from entering my lodging?

          A: To prevent roaches from entering your lodging, keep it clean and free of food debris, seal any cracks or crevices, and keep moisture levels low.

          Q: Are DIY treatments effective in getting rid of roaches?

          A: DIY treatments can be effective in getting rid of roaches, but they may not work in severe infestations or if the roaches are resistant to the treatment.

          Q: Are roaches common in Airbnb’s?

          A: While it’s not necessarily common, roach infestations can happen in Airbnb’s just as they can in any other lodging. Roaches are attracted to food, water, and warmth, so any place with these resources is a potential target for roaches. Factors that can contribute to a higher risk of roaches include poor sanitation, clutter, and cracks or gaps in walls or flooring that provide entry points for pests. It’s always a good idea to take preventive measures such as cleaning up spills promptly, storing food properly, and sealing up any potential entry points to reduce the risk of roaches in your Airbnb. If you do encounter roaches during your stay, be sure to notify the host or property manager immediately so that they can take appropriate action to address the problem.

          Q: Do I contact my host if I find a roach in my Airbnb?

          A: If you have found a roach in your Airbnb, you should contact your host immediately to inform them of the situation. Your host has a responsibility to provide clean and safe lodging for their guests, and they may be able to take steps to address the problem.

          Contacting your host as soon as possible can also help you document the issue in case you need to file a complaint or request a refund. It’s important to communicate with your host clearly and respectfully and provide relevant details, such as where you found the roach and whether there are any signs of an infestation.

          If your host is unresponsive or does not take appropriate action to address the roach problem, you may need to escalate the issue to Airbnb customer service. Airbnb has a strict cleanliness policy and may be able to assist you in finding alternative accommodations or resolving the issue with your host.

          Remember, it’s always best to address any issues with your lodging as soon as possible to ensure a safe and comfortable stay.


          Finding roaches in your new lodging can be a stressful experience, but it’s important to act quickly and effectively to eliminate the problem. By following the steps outlined in this article, you will be better prepared to deal with rodents (hopefully it doesn’t get to this!) in your next lodging.

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