Digital nomads
Stop wasting time looking for social groups

How do you find ACTIVE WhatsApp Groups specifically for Digital Nomads?

Nomad Grab provides an app for digital nomads with a super easy way to find social groups in their destination cities. This includes WhatsApp Groups, Facebook groups, Telegram Groups, and more. We’re talking Fitness groups, Hiking groups, Sports groups (think basketball or kitesurfing), beach groups, and of course, party groups (think electronic music, or rock music groups). The communities are a blend of “Managed by Nomad Grab” and independently run groups by other travelers or social groups. Take a look at a demo page here.

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Digital Nomads??Get Your WhatsApp Groups, Worldwide.
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Take a look at one part of our app which plugs digital nomads into WhatsApp Groups and other communities around the world.

Price: 32.99

Price Currency: USD

Operating System: Windows, Linux, macOS

Application Category: TravelApplication

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About Nomad Grab

Nomad Grab connects nomads to each OTHER.  It’s always fun to explore new cities and the local culture but sometimes it’s fun to mingle with like-minded people.  Meetups are great, but being plugged into the social groups will make you feel just at home.

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