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9 Underrated and SECRET Beach Cities for Digital Nomads

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As a digital nomad, you have the freedom to work from anywhere in the world. But, if you’re looking to spend some time by the sea, you don’t have to limit yourself to the popular coastal cities. There are many lesser-known, or low-key, beach cities that offer stunning scenery, excellent amenities, and welcoming communities. In this article, we’ll explore some of the underrated beach cities for digital nomads that you may not have considered before.

Advantages of Lesser-known Beach Cities for Digital Nomads

When it comes to choosing a destination to work remotely from, many digital nomads gravitate towards popular coastal cities such as Bali, Barcelona, or Sydney. However, these cities can be crowded, expensive, and saturated with tourists. Lesser-known beach cities, on the other hand, offer a more relaxed and authentic experience.

Here are some advantages of choosing a lesser-known beach city for your next digital nomad destination:

    Lower Costs

    One of the most significant advantages of lesser-known beach cities is that they tend to be more affordable than their popular counterparts. Accommodations, food, and transportation can all be cheaper in these cities, which means you can stretch your budget further.

      Fewer Crowds

      If you’re looking for a peaceful and secluded place to work, a lesser-known beach city may be a perfect choice. These cities are usually not as crowded as the popular coastal destinations, so you can enjoy the scenery without the hustle and bustle.

        Authentic Culture

        Lesser-known beach cities often offer a more authentic cultural experience than tourist traps. You can immerse yourself in the local way of life and connect with the locals, which can make for a more meaningful and memorable trip.

          Better Work-Life Balance

          Lesser-known beach cities are usually less hectic than the popular coastal destinations, which means you can enjoy a better work-life balance. You can take breaks and explore the city without feeling rushed, which can help you stay productive and avoid burnout.

          Factors to Consider When Choosing a Beach City Destination

          Choosing the right beach city destination as a digital nomad can be challenging. Here are some factors to consider before you make your decision:

            Internet Connectivity

            As a digital nomad, internet connectivity is essential. Make sure the beach city you choose has reliable and fast internet access.

              Cost of Living

              Consider the cost of living in the beach city you’re considering. Will you be able to afford accommodations, food, and transportation within your budget?


                Research the safety of the beach city you’re considering. Check for any travel advisories or warnings from your home country’s government.

                  Visa Requirements

                  Make sure you research the visa requirements for the beach city you’re considering. Some countries may require a visa before you can work remotely there.

                  Lesser-known Beach Cities for Digital Nomads

                  If you’re ready to explore some lesser-known beach cities for digital nomads, here are some options to consider:

                  San Juan del Sur, Nicaragua

                  image 21
                  9 Underrated and SECRET Beach Cities for Digital Nomads 19

                  San Juan del Sur is a charming fishing village located on Nicaragua’s Pacific Coast. It offers stunning beaches, excellent surf, and a laid-back vibe. The cost of living in San Juan del Sur is relatively low, and there are plenty of accommodation options for digital nomads.


                    • Affordable cost of living: Nicaragua is one of the cheapest countries in Central America, and San Juan del Sur is no exception. Rent, food, and entertainment are all quite affordable.

                    • Beautiful beaches: San Juan del Sur is home to some of the most beautiful beaches in Central America, with miles of pristine coastline to explore.

                    • Good surfing: For digital nomads who enjoy surfing, San Juan del Sur is a great destination. There are plenty of surf spots nearby, and the surf is consistent.

                    • Relaxed lifestyle: San Juan del Sur has a laid-back vibe that’s perfect for digital nomads who want to escape the hustle and bustle of big cities.

                    • Friendly locals: Nicaraguans are known for being friendly and welcoming, which can make it easier for digital nomads to feel at home.


                      • Limited infrastructure: San Juan del Sur is still developing its infrastructure, which means that some basic amenities like reliable internet and consistent electricity can be hard to come by.

                      • Safety concerns: Nicaragua has experienced political unrest and crime in recent years, which can make some digital nomads feel uneasy about living there.

                      • Language barrier: While many locals speak English, Spanish is the official language in Nicaragua. Digital nomads who don’t speak Spanish may struggle to communicate effectively.

                      Cost of Living

                      The cost of living in San Juan del Sur is quite affordable for digital nomads. Rent for a one-bedroom apartment in the city center is around $400-$500 per month, while meals at local restaurants cost around $5-$10.

                      Nomad Grab Score: 6/10

                      Overall, San Juan del Sur is a great destination for digital nomads who want an affordable, beachside lifestyle. However, the limited infrastructure, safety concerns, and language barrier may make it a less-than-ideal choice for some. On a scale of 1-10, San Juan del Sur scores a solid 6 for digital nomads.

                      Where to Stay in San Juan del Sur

                      The Space

                      Puk’s Palace


                      Salinas, Ecuador

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                      9 Underrated and SECRET Beach Cities for Digital Nomads 20

                      Salinas is a small coastal town on Ecuador’s southern coast. It offers beautiful beaches, warm weather year-round, and a friendly community. The cost of living in Salinas is relatively low, and there are plenty of affordable accommodation options for digital nomads.


                        • Salinas has a beautiful beach with crystal-clear waters and plenty of opportunities for water sports.

                        • The cost of living in Salinas is relatively low compared to other beach destinations in South America.

                        • The town is safe, with a low crime rate and friendly locals.

                        • There are plenty of accommodation options for digital nomads, ranging from budget-friendly hostels to upscale hotels.

                        • Salinas has a variety of restaurants, cafes, and bars that cater to the needs of digital nomads.


                          • Salinas can be quite hot and humid, particularly during the summer months.

                          • The town can be quite quiet during the off-season, with many businesses closed.

                          • The internet can be slow and unreliable at times, particularly in some of the more remote areas of the town.

                          • The town can be quite spread out, which means that transportation can be an issue for some digital nomads.

                          Cost of Living

                          The cost of living in Salinas is relatively low compared to other beach destinations in South America. Here are some estimated costs:

                            • Accommodation: $300-$800 per month for a one-bedroom apartment, depending on the location and amenities.

                            • Food and drink: $10-$20 per day for meals at local restaurants and cafes.

                            • Transportation: $0.50-$1 per trip on local buses, or $15-$20 per day to rent a car or scooter.

                            • Co-working spaces: $100-$150 per month for a dedicated desk at a co-working space.

                            Nomad Grab Score: 7/10

                            Overall, Salinas scores a solid 7 out of 10 for digital nomads. While the town has some drawbacks, such as unreliable internet and limited transportation options, it more than makes up for these with its beautiful beaches, affordable cost of living, and welcoming community. With the right preparation and planning, Salinas could be the perfect destination for your next remote work adventure.

                            Where to Stay In Salinas, Ecuador

                            Chescos Hotel & Hostel

                            Penang, Malaysia

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                            9 Underrated and SECRET Beach Cities for Digital Nomads 21

                            Penang is a vibrant island located off the west coast of Malaysia. It offers a rich cultural experience, stunning beaches, and plenty of opportunities for digital nomads. The cost of living in Penang is relatively low, and the city is known for its excellent food and vibrant nightlife.


                              • Affordable cost of living with a one-bedroom apartment averaging around $300 per month

                              • High-speed internet is available throughout the city

                              • Great food scene with a mix of Malaysian, Indian, and Chinese cuisines

                              • An interesting mix of history and culture with colonial architecture and street art

                              • Plenty of co-working spaces available for digital nomads

                              • Warm and sunny climate year-round


                                • Heavy traffic in certain areas of the city

                                • Air quality can be poor due to pollution

                                • Limited beach access within the city itself

                                Cost of living

                                Penang offers an affordable cost of living for digital nomads. A one-bedroom apartment can be rented for around $300 per month, while a meal at a local restaurant will only set you back a few dollars.

                                Nomad Grab Score: 8/10

                                Penang is a solid choice for digital nomads looking for an affordable and interesting destination. The city has a good infrastructure for remote work, with plenty of co-working spaces and high-speed internet. The only downside is the limited beach access within the city itself. I would give Penang an 8 out of 10 for digital nomads.

                                Where to Stay in Penang, Malaysia

                                House of Journey

                                EZ Social Hostel

                                The 80’s Guesthouse

                                Ao Nang, Thailand

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                                9 Underrated and SECRET Beach Cities for Digital Nomads 22

                                Ao Nang is a beach town located in the Krabi province of Thailand. It offers stunning beaches, crystal-clear water, and plenty of opportunities for outdoor activities. The cost of living in Ao Nang is relatively low, and there are plenty of accommodation options for digital nomads.


                                  • Beautiful beaches and islands: Ao Nang is surrounded by some of the most beautiful beaches and islands in Thailand, including Railay Beach, Koh Phi Phi, and Koh Lanta.

                                  • Affordable cost of living: The cost of living in Ao Nang is relatively low, with accommodation, food, and transportation is quite affordable.

                                  • Great food and nightlife: Ao Nang has a great selection of local and international cuisine, as well as plenty of bars and clubs for nightlife.

                                  • Good Internet connectivity: Most cafes, hotels, and co-working spaces in Ao Nang have reliable Internet connectivity.


                                    • Crowded during peak season: Like many popular destinations in Thailand, Ao Nang can get quite crowded during peak season, which can be a turnoff for some digital nomads.

                                    • Limited co-working spaces: While there are some co-working spaces in Ao Nang, the selection is quite limited compared to other destinations.

                                    • Limited entertainment options: While there are plenty of outdoor activities to do in Ao Nang, the city itself has limited entertainment options beyond restaurants and bars.

                                    Cost of living

                                      • Accommodation: Monthly rent for a one-bedroom apartment in Ao Nang can range from $200 to $500, depending on the location and amenities.

                                      • Food: Local food options in Ao Nang are quite affordable, with meals ranging from $1 to $5. Western food can be a bit pricier, with meals ranging from $5 to $15.

                                      • Transportation: Tuk-tuks and taxis are readily available in Ao Nang and are quite affordable, with short rides costing around $1 to $2.

                                      • Co-working spaces: Co-working spaces in Ao Nang can be a bit pricier compared to other destinations, with daily rates ranging from $10 to $20.

                                      Nomad Grab Score: 7/10

                                      Ao Nang is a great destination for digital nomads looking for a beach city with affordable living costs and good internet connectivity. However, the limited selection of co-working spaces and entertainment options may not be suitable for everyone. Additionally, the crowds during peak season can be a turnoff for some digital nomads. Overall, Ao Nang receives a score of 7 out of 10 for digital nomads.

                                      Where to Stay in Ao Nang

                                      Nomads Ao Nang


                                      Glur Hostel

                                      Dahab, Egypt

                                      image 25
                                      9 Underrated and SECRET Beach Cities for Digital Nomads 23

                                      Located on the eastern coast of the Sinai Peninsula, Dahab is a lesser-known beach city that’s perfect for digital nomads who want to combine work with adventure. With a stunning coastline, crystal-clear waters, and some of the best diving and snorkeling spots in the world, Dahab offers plenty of opportunities to explore the great outdoors.


                                        • Cheap cost of living: Dahab is one of the cheapest beach cities for digital nomads, with affordable accommodation, food, and transportation.

                                        • Good Internet connectivity: Most cafes and restaurants in Dahab offer free Wi-Fi, and there are also several co-working spaces available.

                                        • Beautiful natural surroundings: From the famous Blue Hole to the desert mountains, Dahab is surrounded by the stunning natural beauty that’s perfect for outdoor activities.

                                        • Friendly local community: Dahab has a close-knit community of locals and expats who are welcoming to digital nomads.

                                        • Unique culture: Dahab offers a unique mix of Egyptian, Bedouin, and hippie cultures, making it a fascinating place to explore.


                                          • Limited nightlife: While there are a few bars and restaurants in Dahab, the nightlife scene is quite limited.

                                          • Hot temperatures: Dahab can get very hot, especially during the summer months, which can make working outside uncomfortable.

                                          • Limited job opportunities: While there are some opportunities for teaching English or working in the diving industry, there are limited job opportunities for digital nomads outside of these industries.

                                          Cost of living

                                            • Accommodation: $300-$500 per month for a private apartment or shared house.

                                            • Food: $5-$10 per meal for local cuisine.

                                            • Transportation: $0.20 for a local bus ride or $1.50 for a taxi ride within the city.

                                            Nomad Grab Score: 8/10

                                            8/10 – Dahab offers a unique mix of affordability, natural beauty, and cultural experiences that make it an excellent destination for digital nomads. While it may not have the same level of infrastructure and job opportunities as some other destinations, it’s a great place for those who want to combine work with adventure and exploration.

                                            Where to Stay in Dahab, Egypt

                                            Rafiki Hostel

                                            My Hostel

                                            Happy Land Hotel

                                            El Puerto de Santa María, Spain

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                                            9 Underrated and SECRET Beach Cities for Digital Nomads 24

                                            Located in the province of Cádiz in southern Spain, El Puerto de Santa María is a charming coastal city that offers a great mix of work and play for digital nomads. Here are some pros and cons to consider:


                                              • Beautiful beaches: El Puerto de Santa María is home to some of the most beautiful beaches in Spain, including Playa de la Muralla and Playa de Valdelagrana.

                                              • Great weather: With over 300 days of sunshine per year, El Puerto de Santa María offers a warm and sunny climate all year round.

                                              • Rich history and culture: As one of the oldest cities in the region, El Puerto de Santa María boasts a rich history and culture that can be seen in its many museums and monuments.

                                              • Affordable cost of living: Compared to other popular beach cities in Spain, El Puerto de Santa María offers a more affordable cost of living for digital nomads.

                                              • Good internet connectivity: With a variety of co-working spaces and good internet connectivity, El Puerto de Santa María is a great place to work remotely.


                                                • Limited nightlife: While El Puerto de Santa María has a lively bar and restaurant scene, the nightlife options are more limited than in larger cities like Barcelona or Madrid.

                                                • Tourist crowds in the summer: Like many beach cities in Spain, El Puerto de Santa María can get quite crowded with tourists during the summer months.

                                                Cost of living

                                                The cost of living in El Puerto de Santa María is lower than in other popular beach cities in Spain, such as Barcelona or Valencia. A one-bedroom apartment in the city center can be rented for around €500-€700 per month, while a meal at a mid-range restaurant will cost around €15-€20.

                                                Nomad Grab Score: 8/10

                                                Overall, El Puerto de Santa María offers a great balance of work and play for digital nomads. With its beautiful beaches, rich history, and affordable cost of living, it’s a great place to live and work remotely. While the nightlife options are more limited and it can get crowded with tourists in the summer, the good internet connectivity and variety of co-working spaces make it a great choice for digital nomads.

                                                Pärnu, Estonia

                                                image 22
                                                9 Underrated and SECRET Beach Cities for Digital Nomads 25

                                                Pärnu is a small town located on Estonia’s western coast. It offers stunning beaches, excellent food, and a rich cultural experience. The cost of living in Pärnu is relatively low, and there are plenty of affordable accommodation options for digital nomads.


                                                  • Affordable cost of living compared to other European destinations

                                                  • Good internet connectivity

                                                  • Plenty of co-working spaces and cafes with Wi-Fi

                                                  • Beautiful white sandy beaches and a charming old town

                                                  • Safe and peaceful environment

                                                  • A strong community of digital nomads


                                                    • Limited flight connections to other parts of Europe

                                                    • The city can be quiet and sleepy during the off-season

                                                    • Cold winters with temperatures dropping below freezing

                                                    Cost of living

                                                    Pärnu offers a very affordable cost of living compared to other European destinations. Accommodation can be found for as low as €300 per month, while a meal at a mid-range restaurant will cost around €10-15. A one-way ticket on public transportation costs €1.50.

                                                    Nomad Grab Score: 8/10

                                                    8/10. Pärnu may not be as well-known as other beach destinations, but it’s a hidden gem that offers a lot for digital nomads. The affordable cost of living, good internet connectivity, and a strong community of digital nomads make it a great choice for those looking to work and relax by the sea. The only downsides are limited flight connections and the quiet atmosphere during the off-season.

                                                    Where to Stay in Pärnu, Estonia

                                                    Louna Hostel

                                                    Taghazout, Morocco

                                                    image 23
                                                    9 Underrated and SECRET Beach Cities for Digital Nomads 26

                                                    Located on the Atlantic coast of Morocco, Taghazout is a charming fishing village that’s becoming a popular destination for digital nomads. Here are some pros and cons of living in Taghazout as a digital nomad:


                                                      • Affordable cost of living: Taghazout is very affordable, with a low cost of living and plenty of cheap accommodation options available.

                                                      • Great surf: Taghazout is known for its world-class surf breaks, making it a paradise for surfers and water sports enthusiasts.

                                                      • Beautiful scenery: The village is surrounded by stunning mountains and beaches, making it a picturesque location to work and relax.

                                                      • Welcoming locals: The locals in Taghazout are known for their hospitality and friendliness towards tourists and digital nomads.


                                                        • Limited co-working spaces: While there are some co-working spaces in Taghazout, they can be limited in terms of availability and amenities.

                                                        • Language barrier: Many locals in Taghazout speak Arabic or Berber, so it may be challenging to communicate with them if you don’t speak the language.

                                                        • Limited nightlife: Taghazout is a small village, so there aren’t many options for nightlife and entertainment.

                                                        Cost of living

                                                        The cost of living in Taghazout is very affordable, with a one-bedroom apartment costing around $250-400 USD per month. A meal at a local restaurant will set you back around $5-10 USD, while a cup of coffee costs around $1 USD.

                                                        Nomad Grab Score: 8/10

                                                        Overall, Taghazout is a great destination for digital nomads looking for an affordable, laid-back lifestyle with great surf and scenery. While it may not offer as many co-working spaces or entertainment options as other destinations, it’s a great option for those who want to focus on work and outdoor activities. We’d give Taghazout a score of 8 out of 10 for digital nomads.

                                                        Where to Stay in Taghazout, Morocco

                                                        The Surf Hostel

                                                        Taghazout Ajyal Surf Hostel

                                                        Happy Surf Hostel

                                                        Sihanoukville, Cambodia

                                                        image 26
                                                        9 Underrated and SECRET Beach Cities for Digital Nomads 27

                                                        Sihanoukville is a beach city located on the southwest coast of Cambodia. While it’s not as well-known as other beach destinations in Southeast Asia, it’s becoming increasingly popular among digital nomads due to its affordability, relaxed atmosphere, and stunning beaches.


                                                          • Beautiful beaches with crystal-clear water and white sand

                                                          • Low cost of living, with affordable accommodation and dining options

                                                          • Good internet connectivity, with several co-working spaces available

                                                          • Plenty of outdoor activities, including hiking, snorkeling, and scuba diving

                                                          • A relaxed and laid-back atmosphere


                                                            • Some areas of the city can be dirty and run-down

                                                            • Limited options for nightlife and entertainment compared to other beach destinations

                                                            • Occasional power outages and water shortages

                                                            • Limited availability of quality healthcare

                                                            Cost of Living:

                                                            Sihanoukville offers a very low cost of living compared to Western countries and many other beach destinations in Southeast Asia. Here’s a breakdown of some typical expenses:

                                                              • Accommodation: A one-bedroom apartment in a central location can be rented for around $300 per month.

                                                              • Food: A meal at a local restaurant costs around $2-5, while groceries for a week can be purchased for around $20.

                                                              • Transportation: Motorbike rental costs around $50 per month, while tuk-tuk rides within the city cost around $1-2.

                                                              • Co-working spaces: Monthly memberships at co-working spaces cost around $50-100.

                                                              Nomad Grab Score: 7/10

                                                              Overall, Sihanoukville scores around a 7 out of 10 as a destination for digital nomads. While it offers many benefits, such as low cost of living and good internet connectivity, it does have some drawbacks, such as limited healthcare options and occasional power outages. However, for those looking for a laid-back and affordable beach destination, Sihanoukville is definitely worth considering.

                                                              Where to Stay in Sihanoukville, Cambodia

                                                              Siha Travel Hotel

                                                              Kaktus Hidden Treehouse

                                                              Onederz Hostel


                                                              Digital nomads are always on the lookout for the best places to work and play. While popular beach cities like Bali and Phuket are great options, there are plenty of lesser-known beach cities that offer excellent opportunities for digital nomads. From San Juan del Sur, Nicaragua to Sihanoukville, Cambodia, there are plenty of destinations to explore.

                                                              When choosing a beach city for your next digital nomad adventure, be sure to consider factors like cost of living, internet connectivity, and the availability of co-working spaces. With the right research and preparation, you can find the perfect destination to work, play, and soak up the sun.


                                                              What is a digital nomad?

                                                                1. A digital nomad is a person who uses technology to work remotely while traveling the world.

                                                                What are some factors to consider when choosing a beach city for digital nomads?

                                                                  1. When choosing a beach city for digital nomads, it’s important to consider factors like cost of living, internet connectivity, and the availability of co-working spaces.

                                                                  Are lesser-known beach cities for digital nomads as good as the popular ones?

                                                                    1. Yes, lesser-known beach cities can be just as good, if not better, than popular ones. They often offer lower costs of living, fewer crowds, and a more authentic experience.

                                                                    Can I find affordable accommodation options in these lesser-known beach cities?

                                                                      1. Yes, most of these destinations offer plenty of affordable accommodation options for digital nomads.

                                                                      Do I need a visa to work as a digital nomad in these destinations?

                                                                        1. It depends on your nationality and the specific destination. Be sure to check the visa requirements before planning your trip.

                                                                        Access the Ultimate List of WhatsApp Groups for Digital Nomads in Brazil

                                                                        Get a sneak peak of what Nomad Grab has to offer by downloading the most comprehensive list of WhatsApp groups for Rio de Janeiro (specifically for Digital Nomads).

                                                                        If you’re ready to travel and experience new adventures, make sure to hop into Qnomads’s app.  Inside our app, you will also find a library of active WhatsApp groups from around the world – like Fitness, Hiking, and Sports groups.

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