Speak to Digital Nomads. Video call a digital nomad.

The fastest way to get your questions answered.

Easily video call digital nomads and locals in your prospective cities.

Why You Should Video Call a Digital Nomad Before You Travel

() Insider knowledge: Digital nomads have first-hand experience of living and working in various locations around the world. They can provide you with valuable insights on everything from the best places to eat and drink, to the most interesting sights and activities to explore.

() Work-friendly locations: If you’re a digital nomad yourself, or if you need to stay connected to work while you travel, a digital nomad can provide you with recommendations for work-friendly locations, such as cafes or coworking spaces.

() Cultural immersion: Digital nomads often immerse themselves in the local culture and community, giving them a unique perspective on the destination they are visiting. They can provide you with tips on how to best experience the local culture and traditions.

() Safety tips: Digital nomads are often experienced travelers, and they can provide you with valuable safety tips to ensure that your trip is enjoyable and safe.

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feel more likely to move to a city they’re unfamiliar with because they are confident in finding a new social group


had access to a tool or resource that made their travel less stressful.


report a more positive outlook on their future of traveling full-time.

rating e1682897546101

“The UI is super simple! Nomad Grab has made it incredibly easy for me to set up in my new city. I highly recommend Nomad Grab for any digital nomads looking to get instant answers!”

Book local services before, after, or during your trip

It can be stressful and time-consuming to research and book local services, especially when you’re in a new and unfamiliar place. You may end up overspending or missing out on the best experiences because of language barriers or lack of information. Implication: Not being able to fully enjoy your trip can lead to disappointment and regret. You may feel like you’ve wasted your time and money.

That’s why we offer a solution that makes it easy and convenient to book local services before, during, or after your trip. With our platform, you can discover the best local services tailored to your preferences and book them hassle-free. You’ll save time, money, and have a more enjoyable travel experience.

coming soon, local services

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About Nomad Grab

Nomad Grab connects nomads to each OTHER.  It’s always fun to explore new cities and the local culture but sometimes it’s fun to mingle with like-minded people.  Meetups are great, but being plugged into the social groups will make you feel just at home.

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