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How Digital Nomads Stay Fit in Rio De Janeiro

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Ah, Rio de Janeiro. The city of samba, sun, and breathtaking landscapes. As a digital nomad, I was lucky enough to call this vibrant city home for a few months, and let me tell you, it was an experience like no other. But with all the amazing food, beach days, and non-stop fun, it can be tough to stay on top of your fitness game. That’s why I reached out to some of my fellow digital nomads to see how they were staying fit in Rio. And, boy, did they deliver! From early morning yoga sessions to late-night capoeira classes, these folks are truly nailing the balance between work and wellness.

Brazil has become a hot spot for digital nomads in recent years. According to various sources, Brazil ranks as one of the top popular destinations for digital nomads, with Rio de Janeiro being one of the favorite cities. Known for its breath-taking natural beauty and scenic cityscape, Rio has attracted many entrepreneurs, remote workers, freelancers, and digital nomads seeking a change of pace.

In a busy city like Rio, maintaining a healthy lifestyle can be challenging for a digital nomad. With a constantly connected world and the flexibility to work from anywhere, it’s essential to establish healthy habits that promote physical and mental well-being. 

In this article, we will explore how digital nomads are staying fit in Rio de Janeiro, where digital nomads tend to work out, and we’ll also look at some of the best places, restaurants, and beaches to visit in this city.   So, without further ado, let’s dive into the tips and tricks that are helping digital nomads stay fit and healthy in Rio de Janeiro.

What You Should Do To Stay Fit In Rio De Janeiro

Staying healthy while traveling and working is something you should always keep in mind as a digital nomad. You can’t be at your best version and deliver great results if you’re on your screen all the time. That’s why as a digital nomad, it’s essential that you include the following activities in your lifestyle.

Get Moving

Although a digital nomad lifestyle is rewarding, finding work-life balance can be challenging at first. You should take the time to adjust, especially in a bustling city like Rio. Engage yourself in physical wellness activities like walking, jogging, and hiking. Fortunately, we have a list of the best places you can visit for your leisure activities.

Have A Morning Walk Or Jog In Parque Lage

Located at the foot of the Corcovado Mountain in the Jardim Botanico neighborhood, Parque Lage is one of the best places you can go to kick-start your day. This public park offers a stunning setting for digital nomads. As you take a walk, engross your eyes with the surrounding lush vegetation, remarkable architecture, and eye-catching views.

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Monument in Parque Lage

Take A Stroll Through Flamengo Park

The Flamengo Park near Guanabara Bay is a popular spot for digital nomads due to its captivating surroundings. This is a must-visit destination for those who are seeking exercise and fresh air while working, as it features plenty of outdoor recreation, cultural attractions, and scenic views.

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View from Flamengo Park

Visit Tijuca National Park

Of course, you shouldn’t miss one of Rio’s most popular landmarks—the Tijuca National Park. This place offers a peaceful and rejuvenating escape for digital nomads from the hustle and bustle of the city. It offers plenty of opportunities for outdoor activities, such as hiking, rock-climbing, and also camping.

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Christ the Redeemer statue (always packed with tourists)

Run Along The Best Beaches In Rio

Rio is also best known for its alluring beaches. Here’s a list of some of the best beaches where you can run or jog: 

      • Copacabana Beach. Featuring a well-paved promenade along the shoreline, this beach in Rio is perfect for running or jogging early in the morning when it’s less crowded. Digital nomads can also take advantage of the many cafes and restaurants around Copacabana Beach, allowing them to set up their laptops and work while soaking in the scenic views.

      • Ipanema. Ipanema Beach is widely regarded as one of the best beaches in the world, with its rolling waves and soft white sand stretching out in an arc. You can run along the beach while enjoying a constant sea breeze and stunning views. Early mornings and late afternoons are ideal for running in Ipanema Beach, as the sun usually doesn’t beat down too hard.

      • Leblon. Leblon Beach is also a must-visit place for those who want to get some exercise. With its wide beach, runners have plenty of space to spread out and take in the scenery. Leblon beach is also less crowded in the early morning and late afternoons, so it’s best to run there in those times. You may also find it more delightful to go there during early evenings, just when the sun begins to set and the city begins to glow.

    Eat Local

    Aside from the beautiful scenery, Rio de Janeiro is also filled with many great restaurants for digital nomads. Whether you’re looking for delicious and healthy food, a lively ambiance, or a quiet space to work while eating, surely you will find what you’re looking for in Rio. 

    Here are just some of the best restaurants in Rio for digital nomads:

    Confeitaria Colombo

    This historic cafe in Rio de Janeiro has become a popular spot for digital nomads seeking an elegant and comfortable space to work. Confeitaria Colombo features indoor and outdoor seating, as well as free Wi-Fi, so digital nomads can work while enjoying some of the city’s most popular sweets. A variety of Brazilian dishes are also available in the cafe, so you can enjoy a meal and relax while taking a break.

    Boteco Belmonte

    Known for its lively and upbeat atmosphere, the Boteco Belmonte restaurant is a perfect place where you can relax and socialize with other people. Here, you can also meet and connect with other nomads to build a supportive network. You can take a break from your busy schedule at this restaurant, which serves an array of appetizing Brazilian dishes and drinks.


    Amarelinho is known for its traditional Brazilian cuisine and lively environment. This bar and restaurant is a good choice for digital nomads looking to socialize and dine in a relaxed setting. Amarelinho is a popular gathering place for tourists and locals, so, if you’re looking forward to making friends while traveling solo in Rio, try visiting this place.

    Stay hydrated

    As a digital nomad, it’s crucial to stay hydrated throughout the day. Apart from the obvious health reasons, hydration can greatly enhance cognitive function and energy levels. So, if you want to be at your peak level, always aim for at least eight glasses of water every day. But don’t just drink from any source, especially tap water! 

    Over the past years, water quality in Rio de Janeiro has become a public concern because of pollution. According to an article authored by Eisenberg JN, Bartram J, and Wade TJ, water contaminated with sewage contains a wide variety of bacteria, protozoa, and viruses that could be pathogenic.

    It’s always recommended that you consume either filtered or bottled water to avoid any potential health risks. Also, you can check with local authorities for the latest information about the safety and quality of water in the area you’re in.

    Find A Gym

    Staying healthy and fit isn’t just all about eating the right kind of food. At times, you should also find time to head over to the gym so you could exercise your body. Here are some of the best gyms in Rio de Janeiro:

    Smart Fit

    Smart Fit is a popular gym among digital nomads due to its affordability. It gives access to a wide range of high-quality fitness equipment and personal training services. The atmosphere of the gym is friendly and welcoming, making it an ideal location for digital nomads who are traveling and want to focus on their physical fitness goals.


    Bodytech is also a great option for digital nomads looking to engage in physical activities. This gym is well-equipped with a diverse selection of modern fitness equipment. Bodytech also offers a variety of fitness classes, including yoga, circuit training, pilates, jiu-jitsu, and Muay Thai, to keep members active and engaged.

    Open-air gyms

    Perhaps you prefer outdoor or open-air gyms? Well, all you need to do is stroll along the promenade that runs from Copacabana to Leblon. Many outdoor gyms can be found along the way. Although the fitness equipment in these outdoor gyms may be a bit underwhelming compared to in-door gyms, the workout routines will surely give you a good workout and meet your fitness needs.

    Yoga Sessions To Late-Night Capoeira Classes

    In addition to gym workouts, Rio also offers numerous options for digital nomads looking to stay fit while in the city. If you want to de-stress from your busy schedule and take your mind off things, you might want to try out attending yoga and Capoeira classes. Be prepared to drench in sweat, as both of these activities can be intense physical experiences. So, don’t forget to bring a towel!

    Yoga Sessions

    Practicing yoga is a great way to stretch and strengthen your muscles while also meditating. Plus, with Rio’s stunning views, doing yoga outdoors can give you a more invigorating experience. But if you prefer to attend yoga studios instead, Rio also has plenty of them. 

    Here’s a list of some of the most popular places for your yoga sessions in Rio:

        • Hot Yoga Rio. Located in Copacabana, Hot Yoga Rio is one of the top-rated hot yoga studios. The place has a welcoming atmosphere and well-trained staff. Hot Yoga Rio has earned the praise of many people for the quality of its yoga classes and for its clean environment.

        • Ananda Yoga Space. This is another must-try yoga studio in Rio. Known for its variety of yoga courses and neat environment, Ananda Yoga Space can be your go-to place whenever you need to relax and meditate.

      Late-Night Capoeira Classes

      If you’re looking for more vigorous and fun activities, you might want to try out Capoeira classes. Capoeira is a popular Brazilian martial art that combines different elements such as dance, music, and acrobatics. After a long day of work, digital nomads enjoy late-night Capoeira classes as an effective way to relax and unwind.

      Check out some of the most popular Capoeira schools in Rio:

          • Capoeira Senzala. The Capoeira Senzala in Rio is a popular Capoeira school that offers classes for people of all levels. Classes are held on Wednesdays from 5 p.m. to 7 p.m., and also on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 6 p.m. until 7:30 p.m. 

          • Capoeira Angola Workshop. If you want to experience the traditional Capoeira Angola, which is a style of Capoeira featuring smooth and slow motions, try enrolling at Capoeira Angola school. The classes in this workshop are open to all levels on Mondays and Wednesdays from 8:30 p.m. to 10 p.m., and on Fridays from 8 p.m to 9:30 p.m.

          • Angola N’Golo. Another school offering affordable classes on Capoeira Angola is Angola N’Golo. Digital nomads in Rio will appreciate the school’s flexible schedule, as it also offers night classes. You can attend late-night classes on Mondays and Wednesdays from 7:30 p.m. to 10 p.m. 

        Take Advantage Of The Outdoors

        Exploring the outdoor opportunities in Rio de Janeiro is a must for digital nomads who wish to maintain good health during their stay. Get out and enjoy Rio’s breathtaking natural beauty and diverse range of outdoor activities while you have the chance. By making the most of Rio’s outdoor activities, you can maintain a healthy and active lifestyle while still experiencing all the excitement this lively city has to offer.

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        Rio de Janeiro is one of the top destinations for digital nomads seeking a change of pace. A healthy lifestyle is essential for digital nomads, and this article highlights various activities, places, and restaurants that can promote physical and mental well-being in Rio. Whether it’s taking a morning walk or jog in Parque Lage or running along the best beaches in Rio, there’s something for everyone. For digital nomads looking for a comfortable way of moving around the city, Nomad Grab is a great solution. This reliable service provides a hassle-free coaching solution for all your needs as a digital nomad in Rio.

        Access the Ultimate List of WhatsApp Groups for Digital Nomads in Brazil

        Get a sneak peak of what Nomad Grab has to offer by downloading the most comprehensive list of WhatsApp groups for Rio de Janeiro (specifically for Digital Nomads).

        If you’re ready to travel and experience new adventures, make sure to hop into Qnomads’s app.  Inside our app, you will also find a library of active WhatsApp groups from around the world – like Fitness, Hiking, and Sports groups.

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