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Why Mexico City Might Be The Best City For Digital Nomads

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Ever wondered if it’s possible to live a lavish lifestyle on a shoestring budget? Well, look no further! Mexico City, a captivating locale often misunderstood, offers this possibility. 

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Why Mexico City Might Be The Best City For Digital Nomads 21

Let’s start off with 5 reasons you should consider Mexico City and 5 reasons you should avoid it.

5 Reasons to Move to Mexico City as a Digital Nomad:

    • Affordability: Mexico City offers a high standard of living at a fraction of the cost compared to many other cities worldwide. From affordable housing to inexpensive local cuisine, your dollar goes a long way here.

    • Rich Culture: With its ancient Aztec temples, world-class museums, and vibrant local markets, Mexico City is a feast for the senses. You’ll never run out of cultural experiences to explore.

    • Vibrant Digital Nomad Community: The city is home to a thriving digital nomad community. There are numerous coworking spaces, meetups, and events where you can connect with like-minded individuals.

    • Ease of Travel: Mexico City’s central location and its large international airport make it a great base for exploring the rest of Mexico and even Central and South America.

    5 Reasons Why You Might Want to Think Twice:

      • Pollution: Mexico City, being one of the largest cities in the world, struggles with air pollution. If you have respiratory issues, this could be a significant concern.

      • Traffic: With a population of over 20 million, traffic can be intense. However, using public transportation or a bike can mitigate this.

      • Safety: While Mexico City is generally safe, like any large city, it has areas that are best avoided. Researching and staying in safer neighborhoods is recommended.

      • Language Barrier: While many people speak English, especially in the business sector, knowing some basic Spanish will significantly enhance your experience.

      • Altitude: Mexico City is situated 2,250 meters above sea level. Some people might experience altitude sickness when they first arrive, but this usually passes within a few days.

      Where the Digital Nomads Stay in Mexico City

      Now, let’s dive into one of the most crucial aspects of living in a new city: finding the perfect place to call home. As someone who’s lived the digital nomad lifestyle for years, I know how daunting this task can be. But don’t worry, I’ve got your back.

      Mexico City, with its diverse neighborhoods, offers a plethora of choices that can cater to your unique lifestyle and needs. Here are some of the best neighborhoods for digital nomads, along with a few pros and cons to help you make an informed decision:

        1. Condesa: Known for its bohemian vibe, Condesa is a favorite among digital nomads and expats alike. With its tree-lined avenues, Art Deco architecture, and a plethora of trendy restaurants, this neighborhood is quite the charmer.

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          • Pros: Vibrant community, many co-working spaces, close to parks, plenty of food options.

          • Cons: Can be noisy due to its popularity, and rent might be higher compared to other neighborhoods.

            1. Roma: If you love architecture and history, Roma is the neighborhood for you. It’s full of beautiful historic buildings, art galleries, and unique boutiques.

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              • Pros: Rich cultural scene, quiet residential areas, plenty of dining options.

              • Cons: Traffic can be an issue during peak hours, some areas might be a bit pricier.

                1. Polanco: If you’re looking for luxury, then Polanco is your go-to neighborhood. Known as the Beverly Hills of Mexico City, this area is home to high-end shops, fine-dining restaurants, and art museums.

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                  • Pros: Safe, posh, full of amenities, great public transportation.

                  • Cons: High cost of living, might feel less authentic due to many global brands.

                  Remember, every neighborhood has its unique charm and challenges. My advice would be to rent a place for a short term before committing long term. That way, you can experience the neighborhood firsthand and decide if it fits your lifestyle. For instance, I initially thought Polanco would be too posh for my taste, but after a month of staying there, I was enamored by its beautiful parks and eclectic mix of culture.

                  Additionally, platforms like Airbnb and local real estate websites can be a great help in finding suitable accommodations. Remember, choosing the right home is not just about comfort; it can significantly impact your productivity and overall experience as a digital nomad.

                  By doing a little bit of research and knowing what you want, you can find the perfect home in Mexico City. After all, there’s a reason why so many digital nomads are flocking to this vibrant city.

                  Feasting without Breaking the Bank

                  One of the extraordinary joys of residing in Mexico City, without a doubt, lies in the gastronomical journey it takes you on. Now, as a savvy digital nomad who’s always looking for an authentic local experience while sticking to a budget, you’re in for a real treat here.

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                  Why Mexico City Might Be The Best City For Digital Nomads 25

                  Street Food – A Melting Pot of Flavors

                  Starting with street food, it’s an experience in itself – a riot of flavors, a cornucopia of smells, a visual spectacle, and a feast for your taste buds. Take the Tacos al Pastor, for instance, an absolute must-try. Made with marinated pork, cooked on a vertical spit, and served with a sliver of pineapple, they are just delicious. I remember my first bite – the tangy pineapple, the spicy pork, all wrapped in a warm tortilla. It was like a party in my mouth, and it cost me less than a dollar!

                  And how can we forget Churros? I discovered Churrería El Moro, a 24/7 churrería, during my early days in the city. Crispy, sugary, and served with hot chocolate – it was love at first bite. I still remember the taste vividly; it was decadence personified.

                  Mercados – A Local Shopping Experience

                  Don’t forget the local markets or ‘mercados.’ Shopping in Mercado de San Juan, Mercado de Coyoacán, or the Mercado de Medellín, is an adventure. The fresh produce, the variety of spices, and the hustle-bustle of the local crowd – it’s a sensory delight. You’ll find the most affordable, fresh ingredients here for your cooking experiments.

                  Affordable Dining

                  If you fancy a sit-down meal without splurging, the city has got you covered. There are plenty of budget-friendly restaurants, offering everything from Mexican to international cuisine. La Casa de Toño, is a favorite among locals and tourists alike, known for its pozole – a traditional soup made from hominy, meat, and garnished with shredded lettuce, chili, radish, onion, lime, and oregano. It’s a hearty, delicious meal that will set you back less than $5.

                  In summary, living and eating in Mexico City is a phenomenal experience, even on a budget. Whether it’s munching on a taco at a street corner or relishing a bowl of pozole in a cozy restaurant, the city never ceases to amaze with its gastronomic offerings. And the best part is, you can indulge in all these without breaking the bank!

                  Navigating the City on a Dime

                  Exploring Mexico City doesn’t have to break the bank. As someone who has personally navigated this vibrant city on a shoestring budget, I can vouch for its affordability.

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                  Let’s start with transportation. Mexico City’s public transportation system is vast and highly affordable, comprising the Metro, Metrobús, and Ecobici bike share program. The Metro, with its extensive 12-line network, is perhaps your cheapest and fastest way around the city. For just 5 pesos a trip (less than 0.25 USD), you can virtually reach any corner of the city. And if you’re concerned about navigating the system, don’t worry. There are plenty of apps designed to help newcomers understand the Metro’s extensive network.

                  If buses are more your speed, then the Metrobús system offers another low-cost option for getting around. For those more comfortable on two wheels, the Ecobici bike-sharing program is an eco-friendly and affordable option, particularly in the cycle-friendly neighborhoods of Roma and Condesa.

                  While public transportation is generally safe and reliable, you may occasionally prefer the comfort of a ride-share service. Both Uber and local service DiDi operate in Mexico City, and are considerably cheaper than similar services in the US or Europe.

                  For foodies on a budget, Mexico City is a paradise. Street food is a staple here, and for a few pesos, you can enjoy mouth-watering tacos, tortas, and tamales. For those in search of fresh fruits, vegetables, and local goods, consider visiting a tianguis, traditional open-air markets that are an integral part of Mexican culture.

                  When it comes to sightseeing, Mexico City doesn’t disappoint, even for those on a tight budget. Many of the city’s museums, such as the Museo de Arte Moderno and the Museo Soumaya, offer free entry on certain days.

                  Additionally, exploring the city’s neighborhoods, parks, and historical sites such as the Zócalo or the Coyoacán district, is entirely free and a great way to experience the city’s unique culture and charm.

                  Remember, the key to navigating Mexico City on a dime is embracing local modes of living and travel, and with a little research and planning, you’ll find it’s not only possible, but also an enriching and enjoyable experience. As the locals say, “When in Rome, do as the Romans do”, or in this case, when in Mexico City, do as the Chilangos (Mexico City locals) do!

                  Uninterrupted Ease of Access to Internet

                  Navigating the digital world requires one essential tool: a robust internet connection. For digital nomads, this isn’t just a luxury; it’s a necessity. Lucky for you, Mexico City has this crucial base covered.

                  In Mexico City, you’ll find an extensive network of broadband providers offering high-speed, reliable internet services. This is not just limited to your homes or hotels either. Co-working spaces, coffee shops, even public spaces often have free WiFi available, ensuring that you stay connected wherever you are.

                  You may be thinking, “But will the internet speed be sufficient for my Zoom meetings or large data transfers?” I had the same concern before I moved to Mexico City. But guess what? Mexico City surprised me. Even during peak hours, the internet speeds remained steady, with minimal downtime.

                  One memorable instance was during an important video call with a client. I was at a local café when suddenly, my laptop’s battery died. I had forgotten my charger at my apartment. Sounds like a nightmare, right? But thanks to the citywide public WiFi, I was able to quickly switch to my phone and continue the call seamlessly.

                  Services like TelMex, AT&T, and Megacable are popular choices among locals and expats alike. They offer different packages catering to individual needs. So, whether you’re a graphic designer needing high-speed connections or a writer (like me) who just needs a reliable connection, you’ll find a suitable option here.

                  Overall, staying connected in Mexico City is a breeze. Its commitment to providing reliable and fast internet access is one of the many reasons why digital nomads are increasingly calling it home.

                  Co-working Spaces and Communities

                  In my experience, being a digital nomad isn’t just about finding a place to plug in your laptop. It’s about finding a space that fuels creativity, fosters connections, and promotes collaboration. That’s where Mexico City shines in its offering of unique, well-equipped, and community-centered co-working spaces.

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                  I recall my first visit to WeWork Reforma Latino, located right in the heart of Mexico City. The panoramic city views from the workspaces were an absolute visual treat and definitely boosted my creativity. And let’s not forget the high-speed internet – a lifeline for any digital nomad!

                  Another personal favorite is Impact Hub. The moment you step in, you can sense the community vibe. They host a lot of networking events, workshops, and social get-togethers that help you connect with like-minded digital nomads. The spontaneous conversations in the communal area have often led to interesting collaborations for me.

                  And then, there’s Selina CoWork, which offers a great blend of work and play. It often felt like a home away from home, with its comfortable workspaces, yoga classes, and even movie nights!

                  Beyond these, there are many more innovative and inspiring co-working spaces across Mexico City, such as Público and The Pool, which cater to a variety of preferences and needs.

                  In Mexico City, co-working spaces aren’t just about getting your work done; they are about building relationships, embracing diverse ideas, and feeling part of a vibrant community. So, don’t just work – work, connect, and thrive!

                  Cultural Richness

                  Think about living in a city that’s as vibrant as a well-woven tapestry, with every thread contributing to a dazzling array of colors and patterns. That’s what it feels like to immerse oneself in the cultural richness of Mexico City.

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                  Here, you’ll find the echoes of ancient civilizations juxtaposed against the backdrop of modern urban life. The Zócalo, or the city’s main square, is a testament to this, holding centuries of history within its realm.

                  Right next door, you can step into the past with the Templo Mayor, an ancient Aztec temple that’s at the heart of the city. Then, take a short walk and you’re at the Palacio Nacional, a building that houses some of Mexico’s government offices, but also murals by Diego Rivera, one of Mexico’s most famous artists.

                  In my personal experience, nothing compares to walking down the bustling streets of the city, stopping by the street vendors selling traditional handicrafts. Each of these vendors has a story to tell – about their craft, their traditions, and their heritage. It’s a raw, honest, and personal encounter with the culture that you won’t find in any tourist guidebook.

                  Festivals? Mexico City has them in abundance! The Day of the Dead celebration is particularly noteworthy. It’s an event that’s both somber and celebratory, where death is viewed not as an end, but as a continuation of life. During my time here, participating in this festival was an enlightening experience. It taught me about the deep respect and love the locals have for their departed loved ones.

                  Truly, Mexico City is more than just a destination. It’s a living, breathing entity that warmly embraces its past while striding confidently into the future. Living here as a digital nomad isn’t just about work; it’s about becoming a part of this vibrant tapestry and weaving your own stories into it.

                  Ease of Travel and Visa Policies

                  Traveling to and within Mexico City couldn’t be easier. As a bustling metropolitan hub, Mexico City offers extensive international flight options at the Benito Juarez International Airport. This convenience makes it a great base for digital nomads who frequently fly for business or pleasure.

                  With its impressive public transportation system, getting around Mexico City is a breeze. Whether you prefer the efficient Metro system, hopping on a bus, or taking an Uber, you’ll find it easy and affordable to navigate the city. I remember a time when I had to rush to a meeting, and I just hopped onto the Metro. It was peak hour, but I got to my destination on time and without any hassles.

                  When it comes to visa policies, Mexico shines yet again. Many countries, including the United States, Canada, and most of the EU, enjoy visa-free travel to Mexico for up to 180 days under a tourist visa. That’s a whole six months to immerse yourself in this vibrant city! You can find more details about Mexican visa policies here.

                  Also, remember my friend John? He’s a digital nomad like us, and he couldn’t stop raving about how simple and straightforward the visa extension process was when he decided to stay longer in Mexico. It’s things like these that truly make Mexico City a haven for digital nomads.

                  Safe Environment for Expats

                  Is Mexico City Safe For Digital Nomads?

                  In your journey as a digital nomad, you’re bound to encounter varying degrees of safety concerns in different cities. Rest assured, with proper vigilance and precautions, Mexico City can be your safe haven.

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                  Why Mexico City Might Be The Best City For Digital Nomads 29

                  Here’s a bit of personal wisdom: During my stay, I found that like any other bustling metropolis worldwide, the key is staying in the right neighborhoods. Neighborhoods like Polanco, Condesa, and Roma are particularly safe and expat-friendly (link to a website with information on safe neighborhoods in Mexico City). I recommend bookmarking a reliable site (link to a recommended site) where you can stay updated with the local news and safety advisories.

                  One can’t ignore the undeniable charm of the city’s nightlife. It’s vibrant and thrilling, yet as a rule of thumb, avoid walking alone late at night and always use trusted taxi services or Uber (link to Uber).

                  Digital nomads tend to carry expensive gear. Hence, I invested in a good quality anti-theft backpack (link to recommended anti-theft backpacks), which gave me peace of mind while commuting in the city.

                  Also, it’s always beneficial to learn a few phrases in the local language (link to a Spanish language learning resource). The locals appreciate it and it can come in handy in different situations.

                  Remember, common sense goes a long way in ensuring safety. As a digital nomad who’s been there, I can attest that with the right precautions, Mexico City is as much your home as anywhere else.

                  The healthcare system is well established

                  One paramount factor that stands out in the case of Mexico City is its impressive healthcare infrastructure. Whether you’re in need of immediate medical attention or a routine check-up, you can rely on the city’s health services.

                  Speaking from personal experience, I once had a minor accident while exploring the bustling downtown district. Nothing major, just a sprained ankle from a minor misstep on the cobblestone streets (you can read about the benefits and charm of Mexico City’s historical architecture here). I was swiftly taken to a local clinic, where the medical staff was not only proficient in their job but also bilingual, which made communication much easier. The whole process, from my arrival to the treatment, was seamless.

                  Healthcare facilities in Mexico City range from public hospitals to private clinics, such as Star Médica and Médica Sur, renowned for their high standards. The city has one of the highest doctor-to-patient ratios in the country, ensuring that medical help is readily accessible. Also, you’d be surprised to know that many medications are available over the counter, saving you time on doctor’s appointments for minor ailments.

                  In terms of health insurance, numerous providers offer flexible policies. Companies like Seguros Monterrey and MetLife México provide comprehensive coverage at reasonable rates. However, as with any financial commitment, it’s worth comparing different options to find the one that fits your needs.

                  Remember, staying healthy is an essential part of the digital nomad lifestyle. Mexico City provides a reliable healthcare system that you can count on while you’re busy living your nomad dream.

                  Lifestyle and Leisure Activities

                  But life isn’t all about work, right? Mexico City has a thriving social scene that caters to diverse tastes.

                  The Food in Mexico City is Amazing

                  In the grand symphony that is Mexico City, food plays the melody that lures in digital nomads and tourists alike. Its culinary scene is an enticing fusion of flavors that dances on the palate and leaves a lingering taste of nostalgia.

                  For starters, let me take you on a virtual journey through the city’s open-air markets. The bustling Mercado de La Merced, for instance, is a feast for the senses where exotic fruits, vibrant vegetables, and spices are a testament to the city’s agricultural richness. I still remember the first time I bit into a juicy mango from one of the vendors. The sweetness exploded in my mouth, making me appreciate the simple pleasures this city has to offer.

                  For the street food aficionado, tacos al pastor is a must-try. The sight of marinated pork spinning on a vertical rotisserie, very much like shawarma, is something that never gets old. The succulent meat, paired with fresh coriander, onions, and a squeeze of lime, wrapped in a soft tortilla, is an experience that’s hard to put into words. It’s no wonder that this iconic dish has been a constant in my foodie adventures throughout the city.

                  Then there’s the high-end dining scene. Pujol, ranked among the world’s 50 best restaurants, offers an unforgettable gastronomic experience. Chef Enrique Olvera’s ingenious take on traditional Mexican cuisine is nothing short of a culinary masterpiece. From the Mole Madre to the street food-inspired tasting menu, each dish narrates a tale of Mexico’s culinary heritage with a modern twist.

                  So, whether you’re a food lover or not, Mexico City will inevitably turn you into one. It’s not just about filling your stomach, but also your soul. Because, in the end, isn’t that what being a digital nomad is all about? Enjoying the experiences that come our way and savoring them, one bite at a time.

                  Outdoor Activities

                  Mexico City isn’t just a bustling metropolis; it’s a hub of infinite adventure opportunities. As a digital nomad myself, I believe it’s important to take breaks and embrace the world outside our laptops, and in Mexico City, you’ll find plenty of options to do so.

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                  Firstly, you cannot miss Chapultepec Park, one of the largest city parks in the Western Hemisphere. With a castle, a zoo, museums, and a large lake, this park offers a breath of fresh air amidst the city’s chaos. I used to visit Chapultepec Park regularly, especially during weekends, for my morning jogs or afternoon strolls. It’s like Mexico City’s version of Central Park!

                  Another great place for outdoor enthusiasts is Teotihuacan, located just an hour away from the city center. It’s an ancient city, home to some of the most architecturally significant Mesoamerican pyramids built in the pre-Columbian Americas. I remember my first visit to Teotihuacan; climbing the Pyramid of the Sun gave me an adrenaline rush, and the view from the top was absolutely breathtaking. I promise, the exertion is worth it!

                  If you’re into mountain climbing, Iztaccíhuatl, the third highest peak in Mexico, is a perfect place to quench your thirst for adventure. It’s also known as “La Mujer Dormida” or “The Sleeping Woman” due to its profile resembling a sleeping woman when seen from Mexico City. The climb can be challenging, but reaching the top is an unforgettable experience.

                  Finally, for those who prefer water activities, a boat ride in Xochimilco’s canals is a must. Xochimilco is known as the Venice of Mexico and is famous for its colorful boats, called trajineras, that float along the ancient Aztec canals. I took my team for a day out here once, and we had a great time enjoying the lively music, delicious food, and vibrant atmosphere.

                  So, in Mexico City, you are never short of exciting outdoor activities. The city serves not just as your office but also as your gateway to countless adventures.

                  The Nightlife is Wild

                  You thought you knew Mexico City by day, but have you experienced it after the sun sets? The city, known for its vibrant culture and history, also boasts an energetic nightlife that’s nothing short of magnetic.

                  As an experienced digital nomad who’s trotted around the globe, I can vouch that Mexico City’s nightlife is unique and diverse, offering experiences that cater to all tastes and preferences.

                  Are you into live music? Mexico City has an impressive array of venues such as the iconic El Plaza Condesa, which plays host to both local and international acts. Being there in person, soaking in the atmosphere as music filled the room – it’s an experience I’ll always carry with me.

                  Perhaps you’d rather dance the night away? Patrick Miller is a local institution that offers an eclectic music mix, drawing in a diverse crowd who all share a passion for dance. Remember that night when I stumbled into Patrick Miller? The energy was infectious, people were just there to have a good time, and I found myself being swept away by the music and the vibe.

                  Or are you a fan of rooftop bars with a view? Downtown Mexico offers stunning panoramic views of the city. I recall one evening, sipping a margarita as I watched the city lights twinkling against the night sky. It’s a memory etched in my heart.

                  It’s not just the entertainment that stands out, but also the camaraderie that comes with it. The people are warm and welcoming, and by the end of the night, you might find yourself sharing stories with newfound friends.

                  So, if you are contemplating becoming a digital nomad in Mexico City, prepare to embrace its nightlife that pulsates with energy, diversity, and zest.

                  Wrapping Up

                  With its low cost of living, vibrant culture, and conducive environment for work and play, Mexico City is indeed becoming a top choice for digital nomads. The city’s charm lies not just in its physical offerings, but also in the warmth and hospitality of its people. The perks of being a digital nomad in Mexico City are endless, making it a potential best city for digital nomads.


                  What is the best time to visit Mexico City?

                  The best time to visit Mexico City is during the dry season, between March and May.

                  Is Mexico City safe for solo travelers?

                  Yes, with the right precautions, Mexico City can be safe for solo travelers.

                  Do I need to speak Spanish to live in Mexico City?

                  While it’s helpful, many locals and businesses in Mexico City speak English.

                  What are the best neighborhoods for digital nomads in Mexico City?

                  Condesa, Roma, and Polanco are popular neighborhoods among digital nomads.

                  What’s the digital nomad community like in Mexico City?

                  The digital nomad community in Mexico City is vibrant and growing, with regular meetups and events.

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